It is with great excitement that we present the Beta chapters of the 6th Edition of our digital marketing textbook, eMarketing: The Essential guide to Marketing in a Digital world. What fills us with immense pride is that this will be the 10th Anniversary Edition of our textbook.

We are fairly confident in saying that since its humble launch in 2008 this little book has grown to become the most widely used digital marketing textbook on the planet.

Note, I didn’t say “best-selling”. Our book is available online for free download to all under a Creative Commons License, which has led to its use in literally thousands of education institutions around the world. Being freely available online lowers the barrier to education for students, and this makes us very happy.

This book may have my name on the cover, but in comparison to the enormous number of contributors my role has been minimal to say the least. I am largely the project champion. From the smart contributors in our early Quirk days and now the very brainy team at Red & Yellow, I have been very fortunate to have been able to convince these dedicated folks to give of their time to this exceptionally impactful cause. We have also been so grateful to have received enthusiastic input from great minds across our community and industry, which has just been a wonderful experience. These selfless people are too numerous to mention here, but I will heap them with the appropriate praise when we release the final copy of the book early next year.

In acknowledgment of the massive impact our contributors have had on this book, for this 10th anniversary edition we have decided to go fully “open source”. Not only will the final book be freely available online for download, but we are also opening up this Beta version to our truly global audience, for comment and contribution. Instead of working with a fairly closed set of contributors, as we have traditionally done, we are now giving you, our educators, students or just general knowledge hounds, the opportunity to help us make this book even better.

Each of these Beta chapters are available for download and comment. We want to hear from you on what you think needs to be added, changed or left out. What could we have explained better? What clever digital marketing tactic did we forget to include? What social platform needs more attention and ultimately how could we improve our book and its pedagogy to create an even better learning experience for our students?

Please download, read, enjoy and send us your feedback to will be closing this Beta on 31st December 2017 and depending on your feedback, we aim to have the book on the shelves (and of course free to download from our site) in the first half of next year.

Thank you for reading and most importantly, for contributing. The students of the world are richer for your input.

and the Team at Red & Yellow

Download the full Beta version of our eMarketing textbook or download the individual chapters below:


PART TWO: Create





Premium voucher partners in the past have been:

We already have great vouchers lined up for the printed 6th edition textbook, but we still have space for a few more. If you are a digital marketing brand, and would like to contribute to educating the marketing professionals of the 21st century, then please email us at

Your vouchers will not only help develop marketing students, but will also expose your brand to future marketing professionals.