
  • 2 WEEKS
    Whether it’s optimising for search engines (SEO), sending valuable free foot traffic your way; or nudging potential customers over the finish-line at the check-out, a seamless user experience for your website or app gives you an invaluable edge over your competitors. Red & Yellow’s new AI for User Experience microcourse will equip you to master and leverage AI tools to boost your skillset and future-proof your career or business. It’s ideal for UX/UI designers, developers, product managers, entrepreneurs and other individuals who want to harness AI to give users of their website or app the most seamless, enjoyable experience.
  • 3 YEARS
    Applications open
    Creative thinking, and everything it facilitates, is the most important skill of the future. Our BA degree in Visual Communication is a 3-year full time, face to face programme that will equip you with an internationally recognised qualification and a highly competitive portfolio, granting you access to higher levels of learning or opening the doors to the industry. Unlike a typical graphic design degree, the course is highly practical. You’ll be exposed to all disciplines of Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography, and Digital Design from your first year which gives you a strong background in each. This enables you to confidently choose a major and one minor subject in the second year before you focus on your major in the third year and create a highly specialised portfolio. Theoretical subjects are there to arm you with strategic and critical thinking skills relevant to staying ahead in the ever-changing business landscape.
  • 3 YEARS
    Applications open
    Taking a conventional degree into the 21st century, this programme has a strong focus on future-focused capabilities such as data analytics, social intelligence, and creative thinking. Naturally, it also covers critical specialist subject areas like business, economics, marketing, accounting, strategic brand management, project management, and information systems. The result? A degree that embraces the evolving business landscape with a specialist focus on marketing. We’ve amplified the conventional promise of teaching hard, technical, and theoretical know-how; by adding unconventional benefits like practical implementation (on real brands) and the development of critical human skills (like empathy and creative thinking) that are essential to future career success. This degree will prepare students – keen on both ‘creativity’ and ‘commercials’ – for career resilience, survival, and success in a world that is pervasively being destabilised by technology.
  • 3-6 YEARS
    Are you looking for an industry focused, fully accredited undergraduate degree?  Introducing our fully online distance learning BCom Marketing. This degree has a strong focus on future-focused capabilities such as data analytics, social intelligence and creative thinking. It also covers critical specialist subject areas like business, economics, marketing, accounting, strategic brand management, project management and information systems. The result? A degree that embraces the evolving business landscape with a specialist focus on marketing. We’ve amplified the conventional promise of teaching hard, technical, and theoretical know-how; by adding unconventional benefits like practical implementation (on real brands) and the development of critical human skills (like empathy and creative thinking) that are essential to future career success. This degree will prepare students – keen on both ‘creativity’ and ‘commercials’ – for career resilience, survival and success in a world that is pervasively being destabilised by technology. You’ll study fully online over 3-6 years and still benefit from everything that makes Red & Yellow’s BCom Marketing a highly sought after, industry ready degree.
  • 12 WEEKS
    This course will equip you with the know-how required to identify, position, activate, grow, digitize, and virtualize your brand. You will also learn how to build brand equity and will have opportunities to analyze the brand architecture of well-known local and global companies.
  • 5 WEEKS
    A critical skill necessary to find new solutions to old problems Creative thinking is consistently rated as one of the top ten most important skills of the coming decades. Why? In a world changing as constantly as ours, you need to be able to move beyond the way you’ve always done things and approach problems from a new perspective.  Completing this Creative Thinking online short course will change the way you see problems in business and lay the runway for implementing better solutions.
  • 12 WEEKS
    In today’s world, customer experience (or CX) is paramount to a business’s success. In this course you will learn how to take the customer's experience with your brand to the next level, putting them first and understanding how they are unique. You’ll be taught everything from CX strategy to how to ethically use AI to improve your customers experience and everything in-between. In the words of Shep Hyken, “A brand is defined by the customer's experience. The experience is delivered by the employees.” With this online short course, you can use the very latest skills and knowledge to rise above the competition.
  • 4 WEEKS
    If you want to know the intricacies of customer service and take your business to the next level then this is the course for you. Customer service is more important than ever and perfecting it is paramount if you want your business to succeed. You have to understand why your customer is unhappy and diagnose the problem as quickly as possible. In today's age where one tweet or TikTok can ruin your business’s reputation you have to be on your A game at all times when it comes to customer service. “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”-Michael LeBouef
  • 10 WEEKS
    Red & Yellow presents a data course made for modern marketers. Understanding data is no longer a nice to have – it’s a crucial skill for each and every business in today’s working world. If you’re looking to harness the power of data and information, this online short course will equip you with the skills you need to gather and present data, the elements of reporting and storytelling, as well as how to take data and transform it into actions with business intelligence. People hear statistics, but they feel stories. In the context of marketing, data storytelling is one of the best ways to deliver an intuitive understanding of your campaign and other marketing-related results—not only does it communicate the value of your services in a thought-provoking way, but it also creates a level of transparency and accountability between you and your clients. In order to craft compelling marketing data stories, you first need to master marketing data analysis. This course will teach you just that. Learn how to collect, analyze, interpret, and use marketing data to drive decision-making, problem-solving, and marketing strategy development.
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